How We Work

What would it be like in case you work with us? Here is what we usually do together with you:

Running a Holistic Scan of the entire NPD process

All process elements in an „Innovation Pipeline“ are directly connected to each other. They constitute a „value chain“. Inherent in the idea of a „chain“ is that the whole cannot better than its weakest link – regardless how professional the other links actually are.
This is the reason why we run a holistic scan of the a company’s current new product development routine first. For example, we look at the most recent ten introductions.
This 2-3 days’ audit identifies the weak and strong links of your new product value chain – it constitutes the foundation for our proposal of your future workstreams.

Extracting an Opportunity Profile

Based on the above audit, we recommend to you a fundamental „Opportunity Profile“ – tailored to the necessary requirements of the process, but also to your capabilities, your business strategy, your financial investment policy, and other parameters.
At the end of the day, we are discussing with you how you can best boost your new product success – framed by the resources that you have.

Implementing Tailored Workstreams

The outcome of an „Opportunity Profile“ leads to a series of „Tailored Workstreams“. These workstreams define in detail who does what at which point in time to secure a better performance on a critical activity stream. The workstreams are „tailored“ – i.e. they focus on the specific requirements that your company needs to meet on a defined set of activity. MindChainge nevers uses pre-fabricated blueprints like other consulting companies when it comes to activity scheduling. We respect the given fact that „all clients are not created equal“ and we believe that a valid recommendation must reflect that.

Going through a Trial Runs phase

The next step then would be to run trials for the decided workstreams.
Why trials? Why not the final thing right away? An innovation process is always an individual interaction between the demands of the process and the individual capabilities of the company. It is only in the trial runs where we can assess the proper balance between available resources and needed requirement – the „reality test“ is a must.

Installing a Final Set-Up across the corporation

Once the trial runs have revealed the right balance between available internal and needed external assets, we can move on to implement the final set-up in the organisation.
This requires a staggered, sometimes repetitive set of communication activities to involve the respective functions and layers of the organisation. Again, this is not independent of overall business strategy which does play a role in here as well.
But the critical thing is to „walk the talk“ – i.e. letting people actually feel the spirit of the endeavour and letting them experience hands-on what their roles and responsibilties are.

Going through a „Monitor and Adapt“ period

Needless to say that every change process takes time and requires a continuous and rigorous monitoring what works and what does not. Again we emphasize that there is no blueprint and no proven recipe for new product success. But there is a commitment to getting it right – and this commitment allows for changes and adaptations to the activities in the value chain. MindChainge is keen to be evaluated on the final outcome – however, this implies that we stay on the bridge for a while to pilot the ship into safe waters.